“Green technologies” form one of the essential pillars of the S3 "Smart Specialisation Strategy" of the Province of Bolzano and belong to the main topics of the future Technology Park. The main challenge for the South Tyrolean actors in the Green Technology sector will be to stay innovative in order to keep their outstanding market position in the future. Innovation and competition are exposed to two similar influencing variables within the single european market: technological progress and the one-size-fits-all-approach in EU policy. SME's who ignore these two variables often miss their possibility to take part in the technological progress resulting in negative economical developments.The project aims at improving this situation and tries to help companies to incorporate these influencing variables in the planing and execution phase of innovation projects. In order to achieve this "Green technologies"-goal, information on the local context, global technology trends and trends of EU policy are interconnected. Skill-intensive services will be developed and tested: workshops, newsletter, an overview on local "green technologies“, crowdsourcing-plattforms, matchmaking-events, a study-tour outside of South Tyrol, a study-tour within South Tyrol with the aid of „Augmented Reality“. A target will be to increase the number of introduced and finished Innovation processes and to reduce the implementation risk at the same time.